Monday, July 12, 2010



TITLE: Eclipse
AUTHOR: Stephenie Meyer
DATE READ: July 13, 2010
TIME: 30 Minutes

Bella was reading Jacob's letter after contacting and sending mails to Jacob via Charlie(Bella's father) and Billy(Jacob's Father). After reading the letter from Jacob, Bella saw Charlie cooking which is very uncommon because Charlie doesn't really cook. Charlie urges Bella to spend time with her other friends especially Jacob because Billy thinks that he is depressed. Then Charlie handed Bella a letter of acceptance to the University of Alaska. The school was Bella's number one choice because she knows that she's very far away from Charlie and looking up into her transformation about being a vampire. Edward was also been accepted to the University of Alaska and other colleges. Edward wanted Bella to apply to Dartmouth. Bella refused, but Edward submitted her application form already. Edward suggested Bella that she should go shopping with Alice in the city after Bella told Edward that she had been taken off lockdown. But Charlie banned Bella to go to the city because of the mysterious killings. Edward confessed Bella that the Cullens suspected the newborn vampires about the killing spree. The newborns frightened Bella. Jacob and Edward both agreed that Bella should choose between them.

I think being in Bella's situation is tough and depressing because it is really hard to choose between your best friend and your boyfriend specially when your parent hates one of them.


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