Monday, September 13, 2010

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban


TITLE: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
AUTHOR: J.K. Rowling
DATE READ: Sept 2, 2010
TIME: 40 mins
PAGE NOS./CHAPTER: 15 Pages / Chapter 1

Today was Harry's birthday and he is still not expecting the Dursley's to greet nor give him gifts. Harry was inside his room thinking about Hedwig, his owl. He was thinking about where Hedwig were. Then Harry saw 3 owls heading towards his room and he saw the owl in the middle. He noticed that the owl is injured and the 2 owls beside it was supporting the owl in the middle. The owl on the left was a white and a female owl. It is Hedwig. Harry realized that the 3 owls were carrying 3 packages so Harry released all the burden of the owls.

The first package was from Ron. He read the letter of Ron and read that his father won the Annual Daily Prophet Grand Prize Galleon Draw and they are spending their summer in Egypt. Harry opened the package and it was a moving picture and like a miniature glass spinning top.

The second package and letter was from Hermoine. Harry read the letter. Then he opened the package and saw Broomstick Servicing Kit. Hermoine gave that for Harry as a gift because she knows that Harry loves playing Quidditch.

Lastly, the third package was from Hagrid. Before harry opened the package, he read the letter from Professor McGonagall first then read Hagrids letter about his package. Harry was shocked when he saw the Hagrid's book which is A Monster book of Monsters. The book has teeth and it was wild.

Reading the 1st chapter of the 3rd book was fun but the part where the Dursleys are still ignorant was still annoying because it is supposed to be fun when its your birthday today but when Harry saw the owls coming with all those packages for him made me forget about the Dursleys. Ron, Hermoine and Hagrid are Harry's true friend.


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